Title: The Dark Knight
This was the movie for October 15th
Starring: Heath Ledger (there are other great stars in this movie but none mean as much to me as Mr. Ledger does)
Plot: Batman is trying to defeat the Joker while Gotham is stating they no longer need him. And Harvey Dent (Gotham D.A.) loses the love of his life and becomes Two-Face.
Any Scenes During Halloween? No, just the crazy Joker.
Favorite Character or Scene: Heath Ledger as the Joker - He is creepy and chilling but I find the character completely fascinating.
Final Thoughts: I have seen this movie probably 30 times (we easily saw it 10 time in theaters) and I still pick up something new every time.
Title: Edward Scizzorhands
This was the movie for October 16th
Starring: Johnny Depp & Winona Ryder
Plot: A young man invented by a scientist is created with scizzors instead of fingers. He falls in love with a teenage girl and tries to fit into the 1950's society.
Any Scenes During Halloween?
Favorite Character or Scene:
Final Thoughts:
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